Thank you to all Funding Partners!
Prospect Meadows would like to thank all of the Funding Partners who have helped make Prospect Meadows a reality! Join the Prospect Meadows Funding partners and donate today!
Nick Abouassaly
Acme Electric
ACRO Mfg. Corp
Jill & Jerry Akerman
Bob Anderson
Scott Anderson
Helen Arnold
Donald Bahm
Joan Bailey
Pete & Joan Bailey
Banker's Trust
Dan Barkley
Donald & Diann Barrigar
Charlie & Pat Becker
Todd Becker
David & Teresa Bennett
Joseph & Sharon Bertroche, Jr.
Kevin Bestick
Bosch Financial
Barry & Gilda Boyer
Mary Lou Brunkhorst
John & Mary Campbell
Cedar Valley Chapter of CPCU
Bill & Sue Chadima
Wayne & Jeannette Clayton
Kent & Nancy Cole
Collins Community Credit Union
BD & Barbara Cooper
Julie Coppock in honor of Jack Roeder
Tim Cunningham
Cunningham Family Fund of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
DuWayne & Jennie Davidson
Keith Dearborn
Ron Detweiler in honor of the Regis HS Class of 1972
Douglas Drury in memory of Harriett & Richard Jones
Wanda Edwards in memory of Richard L. Edwards
Fair-Play Scoreboards
Gary Ficken
Fortunarie's Club Charitable Foundation
Scott & Kelly Frederick
Gary Frederick
Future Systems, Inc.
Adam Garrison
Brian & Elizabeth Globokar
Ron & Pat Gonder
Amanda Gradwell in memory of Max & Mary Gradwell
Mike & Susan Gradwell in memory of Max & Mary Gradwell
Guaranty Bank
Robert Hackney
Kirk Haefner Family in memory of Ilene Strellner
Hanna Plumbing & Heating, Inc
Nicholas Hassinger
Hawkeye Fire & Safety Co
Mark & Deb Hess
Jeff & Suzzane Hilleman
Trevor Hoffman
Bob & Karen Hoyt
Hupp Electric Motors
Gayla Huston
Hybrid Transit
Duane & Anne Jasper
JFK HS Government Class
Jim Brems, P.C.
Dennis & Angela Jordan
William Jurgensen
Tom & Linda Kelly
Kenwood Records Management
Gary & Shirley Keoppel
Thomas & Nancy King
Kevin & Anne King
Kiwanis Hi-CREW
Gloria Klinger in memory of Bob Klinger
John Kneeland
Randy Krejci
Wallace R. Krouse
Margaret Gradwell Laas
Sven & Carol Larson in honor of grandsons Augie & Alfie Larson
LattaHaris, LLP
Linn County REC
Mary Lee & Terry Malmberg
Mark Mattke
David & Barbara May
Taylor McGurk
Kirk & Carol McNeil
Brad & Katie Meisterling
Dick & Mary Meisterling
Allen & Rita Merta
MidAmerican Energy
Mark & Denise Mitchell
Mooney-Engle Land Co.
Tim & Marcia Moran
Heather Morris
Murdoch Funeral Homes
William & Marilynn Musker
Bob & Sharon Neilly
Doug & JoAnn Nelson
Chris Oberbroeckling
Ohnward Bank & Trust
Lon & Kristen Olejniczak in honor of the Olejniczak Tradition of baseball
Scott & Penny Olson
Tony & Shirley Pantini
PerMar Security
Pete Alepra/RBC
Duane & DeLaine Petersen
Marlin “Pete” Petersen
Primus Construction, Inc
Ken Rizer
Jack Roeder in memory of Mary & Sally Roeder
Gary Rozek in memory of Dick “Lefty” Rozek
Kirk Sadilek
Dennis Schissel
Steven & Janet Schroeder
Larry Sharp in memory of Leo J. & Wilma R. Sharp
John J. Shea Family in memory of CR Softball Hall of Famer Joe Dolan
Gary Shubatt
Virginia Smith in memory of Al Smith
William M. Smith in honor of Sonya Masse
David & Mindy Sorg
Thomas & Amy Stanczyk
Stevens Erosion Control
Mark & Betty Stewart
Sandra Stewart
Kent Stock
Dan & Anne Strellner
Robert Sweet, Jr.
Bruce & Mary Taylor
Barbara Thomson
Bob Toborg
Tracy Tritle
Unity Point-St. Luke's Hospital
US Bank
John & Greta Van Fleet
Van Meter Donor Advised Fund of the Greater CR Community Foundation
Bill & Jerilyn Vincent
Ron Wasik
Charlie & Deb Weber
Jeff & Cheryl Westlund in memory of Lucas Matthew Westlund
Keith Whipple
Joe & Jerri Whitters
Worden Family Trust