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Marion Metro Kiwanis Miracle Field
Imagine being able to share the feelings, lessons and memories of baseball and softball with a child who can't walk, let alone run. That is now possible here in the Cedar Rapids area.
Prospect Meadows, with the financial support of Marion Metro Kiwanis, has made this possible with the construction of a truly inspiring Miracle Field right inside the gates of Prospect Meadows.
Miracle League baseball began in Georgia in 1998. In April of 2000, the first Miracle League Field opened in an Atlanta suburb and spurred a nationwide movement to ensure every child - even those with special needs - has a chance to play baseball. Our own Marion Metro Kiwanis Miracle Field features:
- A cushioned, rubberized surface to prevent injuries
- Wheelchair-accessible dugouts
- A completely flat surface to eliminate barriers for wheelchairs
In the Miracle League, special-needs players are paired with buddies who assist them and cheer them on. Every player gets to bat once each inning; every player is safe on bases; every player gets to round the bases and score each inning; and the last player in a lineup always hits a grand slam.
The Marion Metro Kiwanis Club made a pledge towards the construction of the Miracle Field and was a driving force behind getting the field built. With their pledge, they have naming rights to the Miracle Field for the life of the facility, hence the name Marion Metro Kiwanis Miracle Field.
The Miracle League of Linn County organizes and sponsors Saturday games during the spring and fall seasons. In addition, the field is available for use by other organizations and groups by contacting Prospect Meadows.
Variety-the Children's Charity of Eastern Iowa has donated to have naming rights to the 3rd base side dugout for the life of the facility. Variety is dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged, at-risk and special needs children. Funding is provided to programs and initiatives that directly impact the well-being of children throughout Iowa. For more information on how you can be a part of Variety's work, please visit varietyiowa.com.
The Washington County Riverboat Foundation made a donation to cover half the cost of installing the playing surface on the field. For their donation the WCRF has naming rights to the 1st base side dugout on for the life of the facility. The WCRF helps non-profits in Washington County and across the state complete important projects for the betterment of the community. For more information on the WCRF, please visit washingtoncountyriverboatfoundation.org.
No one is more excited about The Prospect Meadows Miracle Field than Charlie Becker, the executive director for Camp Courageous, a year-round camp for people with disabilities. Having the Miracle Field less than 30 minutes from Camp Courageous will have a profound impact on the community Charlie and his programs serve.