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2022 Kiwanis Miracle League Doubles in Size

April 26, 2022 | Kyle Schrader


The Kiwanis Miracle League should be twice as nice at Prospect Meadows this season.

Twice as many kids, twice as many smiles.

The number of kids in the program has more than doubled since a year ago, jumping from 40 players in 2021 to 81 at last count.

The Miracle League is designed for young people with physical and mental challenges, but put them on their own special field at Prospect Meadows and let the fun begin.

“The numbers have been changing rather rapidly. I’m very pleased,” league president Byron Tabor said this week. “We just hit 81 players. We just got them a day or two ago.”

Sixty players registered in 2021, but about 20 withdrew due to concerns with COVID-19. Now most of those boys and girls are back, with lots more new kids.

There will be eight teams with approximately 10 players per team. All the players will be wearing Major League Baseball replica jerseys and caps, representing the Twins, Royals, Cubs, Cardinals, White Sox, Brewers, Red Sox and Yankees.

The season will run for six weeks, from April 30 to June 4, with four games each Saturday morning at 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30. There also will be a fall league.

Tabor expects the Kiwanis Miracle League to keep growing in the years ahead.

“The goal is to add two teams a year,” he said. “Slow but steady growth is good. Our maximum will be 16 teams. That would give us eight games. That would be a full day.”

Tabor said the Miracle League needs more volunteer “buddies” to help players run the bases and play defense this season. The buddies can be adults or responsible teenagers.

“I have a lot of blank spots out there,” he said. “Go to the Prospect Meadows website and sign up under the buddy sign up link

Parents typically help as buddies, but Tabor would like them to attend games as fans and cheerleaders as well. “It’s good for the parents to sit in the bleachers and enjoy,” he remarked.

The local Kiwanis Clubs provide the framework for the Miracle League. Green State Credit Union is the presenting sponsor. Another major source of funding will come from the annual Kiwanis Barbeque Rendezvous at Lowe Park in Marion on Saturday, June 4, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. with a half-dozen BBQ vendors, three bands and lots of fun activities.

Kyle Schrader