Prospect Meadows earns community spotlight award
December 16, 2021 | Angela Jordan
Prospect Meadows opened its doors in 2019 with a promise to bring a multitude of people to the complex, fill thousands of hotel rooms and help pump millions of dollars into the local economy.
It’s been a job well done.
Prospect Meadows has received a Community Spotlight Award from the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance for bringing approximately
250,000 people through the gates, filling 22,000 hotel rooms and generating a $22 million impact in just three short years.
The award was presented at the “Good Morning, Cedar Rapids!” 30th anniversary breakfast Nov. 10 at the Hotel Kirkwood.
“It’s an exciting award,” said Jack Roeder, the president and CEO of Prospect Meadows. “It’s nice to have the recognition for our organization, that you’re doing something positive in the community.
“It’s really neat for all the people who have helped on a weekly, monthly and annual basis.”
Roeder saluted all the full-time employees, part-time workers and volunteers who have worked tirelessly at Prospect Meadows, which has delivered on its promise to give the area a first-class facility for baseball and softball. He called The Community Spotlight Award an organizational honor for all those people.
The Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance gave out three “BRAVO!” awards at the breakfast to Cedar Ridge, In Tolerance and Suburban Lumber. Prospect Meadows, the Catherine McAuley Center and the Iowa Giving Crew received the Community Spotlight awards.
Community Spotlight awards are given to non-profit organizations that make an important impact in the area. More than 400 people attended the breakfast.
“It was nice to share the award at a big event,” said Roeder. “It’s nice to get your message out there in the community. It was an honor to be chosen as one of the recipients.”
Prospect Meadows got a late start in 2019 due to unfavorable weather and construction delays in Year 1, then the 2020 season was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the derecho. The complex kept forging ahead, however, and enjoyed a full campaign and record numbers in 2021.
Those are impressive totals in just three years — 250,000 people … 22,000 hotel rooms … A $22 million economic impact in Linn County.
“That’s really gratifying for everyone at Prospect Meadows to see that happen,” said Roeder.
Roeder saluted all of the governmental and corporate sponsors who have helped make Prospect Meadows a big success, including the state of Iowa, Linn County, Marion, Cedar Rapids, Robins, private fundraisers and service clubs like the Kiwanis, Rotary and Optimist clubs.