Hey, Buddy: The Miracle League needs you
August 27, 2021 | Kyle Schrader

The Kiwanis Miracle League is looking for some buddies.
The Miracle League, which gives kids with disabilities the chance to play ball, begins its fall season Saturday morning (Aug. 28) at Prospect Meadows. The kids need buddies to help them get around, and it’s a great way for folks to get involved in a popular and richly rewarding activity.
Byron Tabor, who helps run the Miracle League for the local Kiwanis Clubs, witnessed his first Miracle League game several years ago in Des Moines and was very impressed. The kids, faced with physical and mental challenges, loved being on the field and had a great time.

Their smiles lit up the ballpark. “It is just very heart-warming,” he said.
Tabor saw one kid hit a home run and circle the bases in his wheelchair, his hands in the air and a giant smile on his face. Tabor was armed with a camera, but got so engrossed in the excitement that he forgot to take a picture.
Tabor returned from that game and gave a glowing report to his fellow members in the Kiwanis Club. Shortly after, the four Kiwanis Clubs in the area became the title sponsor for the Miracle Field and for the Miracle League at Prospect Meadows when the facility opened in 2019.
The Kiwanis Clubs have enthusiastically supported the program since Day 1. “We love it,” said Tabor. “We just plowed into it. Everybody thought it was a great idea. There was a great response.”
It’s easy to become a buddy for the Miracle League. Simply go to ProspectMeadows.com, find the Miracle League and click on the button that says Buddy Signup. The kids will love to see you.
There are six teams in the Miracle League this fall, with a record turnout of 60 young boys and girls. All of the players will be wearing Major League replica jerseys and caps for the Cubs, White Sox, Cardinals, Twins, Brewers and Royals.
The league will run for six weeks this fall on Saturday mornings with games at 9, 10 and 11.