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Prospect Meadows has been a smash hit

October 3, 2022 | Angela Jordan

Metro Tourney Header

It’s been a record-setting year at Prospect Meadows here in 2022.

There’s been a record number of teams. A record number of events. And a record amount of money that’s been funneled into the local economy.

There are still a few weeks and a few events left on the calendar, but the numbers have been astounding for the 4-year-old baseball and softball facility that’s located on the north side of Marion.

Here are some of those numbers:

+ Total Tournament Teams — 957

+ Total Fall Tournament Teams — 356

+ Two Junior College events

+ Four weeks of the Perfect Game Spring League

+ 26 teams for the 14-inch state slow-pitch softball tournament Four

+ 4 Perfect Game Showcases

Jack Roeder, the president and CEO at Prospect Meadows, is confident that more than $10 million has been pumped into the economy with hotel nights, restaurants, convenience stores and shops all feeling a big impact.

Approximately 50 teams will be participating in the Mya Strong softball tournament in October. It’s a very popular event that serves as a fundraiser for young cancer patients and their families.

“It’s been a busy year and we’re not done yet,” said Steve James, the general manager at Prospect Meadows. “It’s been a lot of fun.”

Angela Jordan